Your mind


love should always

feel safe


“A flying boat! I’m going to build a flying boat. It will be what takes our lives from good to great. We will hire a maid, buy a bigger house, and travel the world.”
Alissa stood in shock and disbelief. What was her husband saying? More importantly, did he believe in himself? Anxiety began to take over and an uneasy pit in her stomach grew. She wasn’t sure if she was being unsupportive, or if he had truly lost his mind. Regardless of the answer, she was forced to put on a brave face and keep her household running smoothly for their children.


About the author

Alissa Lynn is a talented woman with a passion for writing and inspiring. She was born in 1998 in the beautiful state of Utah. She is proud to be a mother to a beautiful girl who fills her days with joy and love. This is her first published book; but she has always been passionate about writing and using her life experiences to help others. She is excited to share her story with the world.


Life Of The Mind Interrupted

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